Love, Charity and Spirit are words used interchangeably in many cases. It’s my opinion, the commercialism of THIS Christmas Season seems to be replaced with Spirit more than ever. Maybe it is a step back to simpler times as we think about those out of work, foreclosed on, underemployed, etc. Maybe this economy has us appreciating the family, homes and jobs we and our loved ones DO have. Maybe those with things are more empathetic than ever before. Nonetheless, the Christmas Spirit is here and very alive and it is beautiful.
Today, I had the tremendous oppourtunity to sort toys and gifts for the Denver BOMA Toy & Gift Drive. I had to hold back tears as I walked into the sorting room to see thousands of toys, clothing, toiletries, food and gifts. The BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) Drive collects gifts from over 100 buildings, asking tenants and staff to give of new and/or slightly used items, which are in turn distributed to several Denver charities. The charities include women’s shelters, the Denver Children’s Home and the Jeffco Action Center.
On Friday, my sister Jennie, attended SMDRA (South Metro Denver Realtors Association), where they also had done a toy drive for Interfaith Communities. She took pictures and shed some tears for the hundreds of toys that were donated. She personally has been a recipient of such giving when she found herself a single mother due to her ex-husbands incarceration.
Humbled by the knowledge that life can change at any minute with someone’s careless acts, the loss of income or even misjudgments of our own, we give. We give because we recognize that we are blessed, regardless of what we have, because of Love, Charity, Spirit, however one chooses to interpret them.
Garvin’s Sewer Service is dedicated to making Denver a better place to live. Let us know how you help our cities on northern Colorado.