Are you frying your turkey this Thanksgiving? We definitely recommend it, yum! One important thing to remember is when disposing of the cooking oil, DO NOT dump the oil down any sink or flush it down the toilet. This can lead to clogging, bad smells, build up, trapping other things in your pipes… all around bad things for your plumbing. And this can lead to unnecessary sewer and drain cleaning.
Instead, we recommend taking your turkey fryer oil to a recycling location, which accepts all food and vegetable-based oils. Here are a couple suggestions: , this organization is “working to keep cooking oils out of the sewers and landfills and turning the waste product into clean, renewable biodiesel fuel.”
Drop off location:
5380 N. Franklin St.
Denver, CO 80216
Drop Off Hours
Monday – Friday
9am to 4pm
Upon arrival please call 303.294.0026 for assistance
Another resource, with many Colorado municipalities offering year-round recycOil® used cooking oil recycling facilities is:
Remember, keep those drains clean and you’re less likely to need a drain cleaning service! Read Plumbing Girl’s rant on other things you shouldn’t throw down the drain here